Monday. We had some highlights (this cool, Fall weather, a surprise Funk Band performance in our neighborhood, enjoying some outdoor, distanced beers with Friends) and we had some really low lows (Andy had to work all Day Sunday and I was stressed, and we watched an icon pass, leaving me feeling just as terrified & hopeless as I did on election night). The swings in emotions are always so heavy and they make me extra tired.
So I am taking today to try and get organized for the week – write out to-do lists and plans, clean out my inboxes, fix my neglected finances, and try hard to stay off Twitter (*closes Twitter in my separate browser*).

We met in college, while we were both working on a political campaign in 2013. The ballot initiative we were campaigning for didn’t succeed, but our relationship did!
We really value each other’s laughter — we’re always trying to do things that will delight the other person, to varying degrees of ridiculousness. And we’re really good at thanking each other for little and big things, making gratitude a daily practice, so that we always feel appreciative and appreciated.
Lauren knew the proposal was coming (we’d been talking about it for a few months), but didn’t know when or where. We went to go see the cherry blossoms in downtown DC with a few friends. Sam brought his camera, and we’d all been passing it around taking pictures of the trees and each other. (Unbeknownst to Lauren, Sam was freaking out the whole time because the place was packed.) We got to this nice, less crowded spot by the river and our friends helped Sam persuade Lauren to take one more photo, which turned out to be that photo, with him on one knee. In hindsight, Lauren can’t believe she didn’t pick up on some clues beforehand.