This morning I shared an article from Self Magazine on my social media accounts – it covers 14 Young Cancer Survivors, their stories, their advice, and their thoughts on what it feels like to really have cancer. One of the 14 survivors that they interviewed was my older sister, an inspiring young cancer survivor.

I felt compelled this morning to share my sister’s story (and the stories of 13 other young women) that have all lived through having cancer. I felt compelled because sometimes I have to admit, I get a little fed up with the wedding world.

I get fed up with the constant pressure put on couples to have a highly-detailed, “blogworthy” wedding. I get fed up with the cost of weddings. I get fed up with the swooning and the gorgeousness and the sense of competitiveness that exists. I get fed up with the vendors that aren’t in it for the love and I get fed up with the couples that lose themselves in their planning.

And then you read stories like these.  And to me, it puts it all into perspective. Life is short. Life is precious. Life needs to be celebrated and stress-free, whether you are planning a wedding or not.

So how this relates to wedding planning? Well let me share another favorite quote of mine:

I’ve found myself saying this to friends that are stressing out during wedding planning, and will continue to share it with clients:

“On the day of your wedding, it just won’t matter. It will be the most amazing day of your life, so it is not worth the stress now.”

No matter how stressful wedding planning can seem at times – you should remember that there are bigger, more stressful things that could happen in your life. Weddings are a celebration – a union of love and they shouldn’t be full of anger, stress, or competition.



  1. I agree very strongly with this post. Having just (ok, three months ago) finished the planning process myself, I can’t tell you how important this is to keep in mind. Especially (I think) during the final few weeks and days. It’s going to be crazy no matter what, but it helps to keep repeating to yourself, “It’ll all work out in the end, and if something goes “wrong” I STILL get to marry my best friend–win-win.”

    And a little perspective always helps too. Remembering why you’re getting married in the first place, and the things in life that really matter (family and friends/your health).

    Good post, Bree! :D

  2. Proud of ALL my daughters ( and son) for always being true to themselves and facing all of life’s challenges with courage and honesty.

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