It’s no secret that inclusiveness is one of the pillars of operation here at Capitol Romance. We only accept sponsors and submissions from vendors that also practice the same inclusiveness, and we strive hard to ensure our language and posts on the blog are all-inclusive of ANY type of couple that wants to get married.

Well it seems that some people have started to notice and we can’t express enough, just how awesome that is. A few weeks ago I received an email from Kathryn Hamm – you know, the president and editor of (whoa!), asking me if I’d be interested in reviewing  an advance copy of her latest book, The New Art of Capturing Love. Apparently I left an impression on her after meeting her on a panel up in Baltimore a year ago! Plus, we have a mutual friend in the amazing Maggie Winters (featured in the first Capturing Love) so naturally I was super excited to get an advance viewing of her new book! PLUS She just asked me to participate with her on a panel at the HRC on June 19th! If you are interested in attending this AMAZING event, you can register here. Tickets are free, but you have to register.

Check it out…

Book Review: The New Art of Capturing Love Guide

the new art of capturing love guide

The New Art of Capturing Love Guide is one part gorgeous wedding & love inspiration and one part instructional guide. It features some seriously gorgeous images of couples in love, but it also instructs photographers (and really anyone looking to capture the modern couple) how to implement easy poses and techniques to bring today’s diverse couple into the real focus of the image. I love how the guide shows the old standards to really make an impact on how anyone can better capture love.

The book is a collection of over 180 same-sex portraits with 72 different couples and 48 different photographers. Obviously this makes the guide THE most comprehensive one out there!

same sex dc wedding photography

[Maggie Winters Photography]

 The guide has been getting some SERIOUS PR lately too! Buzz Feed picked it up, and so did HuffPo Weddings! And it’s really not at all hard to see why – the book has some of the most AMAZING images, but really, to me, what makes the book so special and unique, is it’s ability to teach and instruct without a ton of text or demonstration. It’s the visuals that educate and leave a lasting impact on the reader. If you have any uncertainties or hesitations about styling or shoot same-sex couples, this guide instantly clears those up and shows you the way. (Hint: it’s pretty simple, since it’s really about capturing not just two people but the LOVE they share).

same sex wedding photographers DC

[Kat Forder Photography – at Church of the Holy City (where I got married!!)]

A couple weeks ago a vendor friend of mine told me about a local floral/event design/photography business that will only do florals for same-sex couples, not photography. The reason? “Because we don’t really know how to style/shoot same sex couples”. At first I was pretty angered at this ‘excuse’ but maybe I was being naive – maybe there is a difference between styling same-sex and heterosexual couples. Now after reading The New Art of Capturing Love – maybe I was too hard on the company, maybe I should just send them a copy of this book instead.

same sex wedding photography

[Kristina Hill Photography]

Ok, but enough from me – don’t just take my word for it, go buy the book now and check out all the amazing information and images to help your photography business flourish and better capture LOVE. You’ll be happy to notice that a handful of couples that we have featured here, made the guide!

Check out all the awesome places Kathryn & Thea will be:

June 2 – Books & Books (Coral Gables, FL)
June 3 – WeddingWire World (Miami, FL)
June 4 – New Hampshire Professional Photography Association (Manchester, NH)
June 16 – WeddingWire World (Washington, DC)
June 19 – HRC’s Equality Talks (Washington, DC)  <– We’ll be joining Kathryn for this event!! Come check it out :)
July 17 – Tattered Cover (Denver, CO)
Sept 16-18 – Wedding MBA (Las Vegas, NV)

The New Art of Capturing Love guide is out now! Get it now and be on the look-out for more exciting things from yours truly & Kathryn Hamm!

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